The Glue Trap

Catalog, Collection

The Glue Trap and Other Poems is a volume in which range should be read as trajectory, the personal and the social as reciprocal metaphors, in which my speaker’s voice aspires to the credibility of a masterful monologue and my monologues aspire to the credibility of my truest voice, spoken and formal language converging in artifice as sincerest sense, the genuine.

She Calls the Moon by Its Name

Catalog, Collection

She Calls the Moon by Its Name, a powerful and haunting series of poems, follows a nineteenth-century farm woman in spiritual isolation as she finds strength in naming what is alive around her—or even hidden in plain sight. She seeks the names of moons, of animals, of fields and stones, of children and lost babies, and in the process, what is solid and earthborn learns to live patiently with what is not.

In the Cities of Sleep

Catalog, Collection

In the Cities of Sleep is a collection of poems centered on the ramifications of a warming world, a world where not only the climate is changing but also the social contract as regions and nations vie for resources and civil unrest gives way to wars. Elizabeth C. Herron’s poems ask that we look hard enough to see beyond what is happening to what we might do to change our current trajectory.

The Weather Gods

Catalog, Collection

The speakers in these poems suggest – through the relationships they build and the natural miracles they witness – that the often unsettling, muddy act of living our lives is worthwhile. This book asks us to see the world through knowing eyes: nothing is off-limits and nothing is forgotten.

Every Transmission

Catalog, Collection

Every Transmission is about the erosion of our mechanical relationships and the movement to natural forms. Any attempts to escape the cycle only help to complete the circuits through which we flow. There are the places we create, drive toward, and rest, and in between is a sky full of electrical storms and ground filling with water and ex-life, pushing up so much faith and wonder for us to climb around on. This book is not a linear narrative but a collection of moments in lyric that world-build, guided by inhabitable voices.

Near Truth Only

Catalog, Collection

Three movements—philosophical, nostalgic, and romantic—shape this collection that paradoxically defies categories even while courting their overlapping edges. Ed Higgins’s writing reveals a bemused selfregard, the ordinariness of human experience, sacred ambiguity: remarkable observations topped off by a final thread of love poems. Ed Higgins is Professor Emeritus (English Dept.) and Writer-in-Residence at George Fox University. […]

Her Joy Becomes

Catalog, Collection

The gift of these poems is in how Potos thoughtfully weighs what is given and what is taken, how life both fulfills and disappoints, and determines to let joy keep her. “Breathing deeply is simple, and hope is the natural choice.”

Spirit Sister Dance

Catalog, Collection

Since the 1970s, Norbert Krapf has been working on a collection of poems that tell the story of his stillborn sister and the effect she has had on him and on his family, as well as the spiritual journey he has been on since then. This book, Spirit Sister Dance, is that collection.


Catalog, Collection

The poet Wallace Stevens said, “We live in the description of a place and not in the place itself.” I want my experience of the Ohio River Valley to be more than what I have read and been told. I want to live aware in this place. I want to see and smell spicebush. I want the pleasure of discovering in yet another spring Jack in his pulpit in the shadows of our yard. I want to see the profusion of spring white and the brilliance of autumn leaves on our dogwood. All of this roots me in place. It anchors me to Here and, therefore, also to Now.