Because of This

Catalog, Collection

While teaching English in China, Jim Teeters received a copy of the Tao Te Ching from a student. Jim writes that he was drawn to Lao Tzu’s ancient meditations on what it means to be a human instrument guided by the power of the right way. Drawing on his Quaker experience of submission to the […]

Close to the Ground

Catalog, Collection

Ordinary grace disguises itself in faded irises, traffic signs, convoluted “meetings for worship for business,” and the funny things small children say—the grace of God hidden in the ordinariness of life. This grace hovers close to the ground. In her exploration of this grace, Nancy Thomas takes us on a personal journey with four sections. […]

Heavenly Fire

Catalog, Collection

This small book of poems is more than poetry. It is a window into the life of a man who has been a pathfinder for Quakers. His other books of philosophy, theology, history, sermons, and autobiography also reflect the life of this giant. But this volume gives us a uniquely penetrating peek into his soul. […]

The Secret Colors of God

Catalog, Collection

In The Secret Colors of God Nancy Thomas paints ordinary scenes along life’s journey with vivid words – words that startle us with their clarity and challenge us with their insights. Her verses contain clarifying commentary upon our ordinary ventures and offer a helpful context for interpreting them. Whether whimsical, wistful, satirical, reflective, celebratory, humorous, or prayerful, […]

Prayers at Twilight

Catalog, Collection

Arthur O. Roberts, author of Exploring Heaven: What Great Christians Thinkers Tell Us about Our Afterlife with God, uses a variety of voices in these prayers that ask questions and express concerns about death. Disequilibrium My physicist friend tells me time is a marker of physical disequilibrium. I’m not quite sure what this means for heaven. […]